What is Drugs Addiction ?

A Silver Lining approach to drug and alcohol treatment will no doubt pay great dividends. At the Silver Lining Addiction Treatment center, not only is detoxification taken care of, but the root cause of substance abuse-stress , is addressed as well. By helping us regain our mental, physical, and personal well being, Silver Lining approaches are the best way to lasting addiction treatment.

Among our qualified staff, we have nutritionists, psychiatrists, psychologists and fitness experts who will be only too happy to give you and your loved one the guidance you seek. With round the clock supervision and live in facilities for even your beloved ones , the Silver Lining Addiction Treatment center is your best guard against a relapse.

A more Silver Lining attitude toward drug rehab would mean more recoveries and less relapses. A Silver Lining addiction treatment program ensures that the all dependencies are eliminated and the individual begins afresh on his way to all full and rewarding life. Ultimately lending support to an independent life and a happy re-integration with family, the work-place , community and society in general, our alcoholism and drug treatment program provides a “Silver Lining” approach so that the addict realizes the changes required in lifestyle in relation to their substance abuse. For must of them need to develop the stability of an abstinent lifestyle.

Inpatient alcoholism and drug treatment programs ensure that the patient is closely monitored and never exposed to the substance of abuse. Individually addressed, we offer every problem area long-term solutions that do not involve institutionalization of clients. Though supervised, we have a pseudo “real world environment” that contributes a lot to their long-team success and prevention of relapses. As the addiction treatment program speeds up, we ensure that you maintain dignity and respect.

Not only do you attain abstinence of the body but also that of the mind. The toxins are flushed out from body, mind and soul. Fundamental to a successful recovery, all three of these elements must get back to their original smooth functioning. With a three fold approach that encompasses all physiological, emotional and spiritual needs, the a wide range of therapeutic drug and alcohol treatment programs that are aimed specifically to ensure that you are in trust-worthy, compassionate hands.

Combining traditional and Silver Lining methods, we offer you individual counseling with addiction therapists, psychiatrists, group therapy, lectures healthy meals and much more… all meant with the sole Intention of flushing out those toxins. Our therapies ensure that the body is cleansed thoroughly as well as the mind, and the body undergoes an entire re-haul by means of various addiction treatment programs.

Residential Treatment Centers, Inpatient Rehab

silver Lining's addiction treatment programs are based on years of research and study. Our philosophy is to treat each person who comes to us with respect and dignity while providing a safe place in which to heal. Our programs include integrated mental health services for co-occurring mental health issues. Each patient's length of stay is truly individualized and based on the client's needs.

Some patients will start in what is typically called a primary care addiction treatment program. The length of stay varies based on the clinical needs of the patient but the typical length of stay is 28 to 30 days.

For patients with complex recovery issues that require more time, silver Lining offers extended care programs. These programs allow more in-depth time on special issues, mental health complications, relapse prevention and sober living skills. Patients have time to put into practice their new recovery skills and develop a deeper understanding of what they need to do to recover. Patients typically stay 60 days but some people require up to 90 days.

Other residential programs include a room and board option while receiving treatment services.
These treatment programs include:

Residential Day Treatment - A 24/7 addiction treatment program with clinical care and on-site condominium living.

Intermediate Care - A safe, home-like environment where adults can work on recovery skills while integrating back into employment and family. Residents live, work and support each other as they work on their skill needed to improve their capacity for a healthy, clean and sober lifestyle. We work with residents to develop a comprehensive, individualized recovery plan that best ensures a successful transition to a clean and sober lifestyle.

Recovery Home living - offers man and women access to recovery coaching and housing while they are also given the opportunity to practice the principles of Twelve Step living that will strengthen their long-term recovery. Residents develop the skills necessary to maintain an emotional, vocational, physical and spiritual balance in sober living. Alcohol and drug addiction treatment.